First Trimester Questions You Will Likely Have
If you or your partner have recently discovered that you are pregnant, the idea of going to an obstetrician or gynecologist may be a very scary thing. While some women are very open about the details of their health, others keep their private information very close to the chest. This is totally fine and is often the experience of many individuals with their first baby. Most individuals feel much more comfortable with their second or third babies.
While you are starting out on this new road, you may feel sheepish about asking your practitioner some medical questions. While it is advised that you work up the courage to find the answers that you seek, here are a few of the most frequently asked first-trimester questions.
How Long Will I Be Sick For?
According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), the nausea and vomiting that is often frequent early on in pregnancy really just depends on the person. While it is common for some women to experience morning sickness for only the first trimester (the first 12 weeks of pregnancy), others may have nausea throughout their entire pregnancy. For an idea of how your pregnancy will be, ask female relatives what their symptoms were. Many women experience pregnancy in a similar fashion to their family members.
Will I Always Be This Tired?
Fatigue is another common symptom of the first trimester. This can be in part due to morning sickness, though some do experience fatigue without nausea or vomiting. Fatigue may be very bad during the first trimester, but it usually subsides during the second. You are not out of the woods though, since many women experience an increase of fatigue during their third trimester due to their weight gain.
Why Do My Breasts Hurt So Badly?
Due to the increased amount of hormones pulsing through a woman's body, her breasts usually go through some drastic changes. This can include the size, shape, and makeup of the breast. One of the major side effects of this increase in the hormones progesterone and estrogen is the symptom of a woman's breasts becoming very sensitive to the touch. Some women may need to wear a loose-fitting bra or baggy clothes in order to find some comfort. Many pregnant women in their first trimester also communicate this pain with family members so that any embraces of affection will not be quite so painful.
Learn more about pregnancy care from a local clinic.