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What to Expect from a Hearing Test as an Adult

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Most children are given hearing tests periodically as a part of their regular physicals. However, once you grow up, hearing tests are administered less often, and usually only if you or your doctor have reason to believe you might be suffering from some hearing loss. As such, you may not know what to expect if you have been scheduled for a hearing test as an adult. Take a look at the article that follows to get a better idea.

1. An Assessment of Health History

Before the practitioner conducts any sort of test, they will usually sit down with you and chat about your health history. They will specifically want to know about any symptoms or diagnosis you may have that would interfere with your hearing. They may ask about allergies, headaches, nerve conditions, and the like. Be as honest and thorough as possible. Your answers to their questions, in combination with the results of your hearing tests, will help your doctor arrive at a diagnosis and make valid treatment recommendations.

2. Pure Tone Audiometry Testing

The first hearing test you'll have is usually what's known as a tone audiometry test. You'll sit in a quiet room, possibly with headphones on, and be asked to raise your hand or finger each time you hear a noise. The practitioner will have the machine make increasingly higher-pitched noises and quieter noises to measure the range of your hearing. This is done first with one ear covered, and then the other.

3. Speech Audiometry Testing

This second test evaluates how quiet of speech you're able to hear. You will listen to certain words and phrases at decreasing volumes and then repeat them back to your practitioner. The results of this test are a good indication of how functional your hearing still is. For instance, you may not be able to hear certain tones with one ear, but if you can still understand speech at an acceptable volume, this may indicate you don't yet need a hearing aid.

4. Tympanometry

This test is only done in certain situations — usually if the practitioner has reason to believe your hearing loss is due to an unresponsive eardrum. A special plug will be placed in your ear, and then sounds will be generated, The plug will measure how your eardrum moves and responds to the sounds.

Hopefully, you now have a better idea of what to expect from your hearing test. Rest assured, all of these tests are simple and painless. Contact services like Accurate Hearing Technology Inc to learn more. 
