Dealing With Diabetes: What You Should Know

How To Improve The Rough Skin On Your Facial Skin

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If your facial skin feels and looks rough and dry, take steps to improve it now. Dry skin can develop on your face for a number of reasons, including from the facial cleansers you use each day. Although most commercial cleansers remove dirt and bacteria from your skin, they contain harsh chemicals that strip the moisture from your face. Here’s why commercial cleansers dry out your skin and what you can do to stop it.…

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Seeing Clearly Again Through The Fog

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Your cataracts have taken several years to develop to the point where your vision is affected. The cloudy lens causes objects to be blurry and lights take on a characteristic halo around them. Surgery to remove the cataracts removes the fog and allows you to see clearly again. Here is what you can expect from this surgery and how it will improve your eyesight. One at a Time Laser cataract surgery is a common procedure and is done in your doctor’s office with only a local anesthesia.…

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What Are Your Options When You Can't Climb Stairs?

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If you are able to walk on level ground, but can no longer ascend and descend stairs, a chair lift will allow you to access your second floor, basement, or even your garden. Platform lifts, which are an adapted form of chair lift, will take those who must use a wheelchair to previously inaccessible areas of their home. How do chair lifts work? Chair lifts are attached to a metal track that runs along one wall of a stairway.…

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