Dealing With Diabetes: What You Should Know

Allergy Season: 3 Survival Tips To Prevent Sniffling And Sneezing

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Spring can be a miserable time for people who suffer from allergies. Over 40 million Americans suffer from seasonal allergies. This type of weather makes you want to spend time outside but can be difficult when constantly sneezing. You should talk to an allergist to find out your treatment options. Here are three tips to help you control your allergies during pollen season. Get an Allergy Test It helps to determine what causes you to have an allergic reaction.…

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3-D Printing: Beneficial Technology For Children Born Missing Limbs

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While many babies are born missing an arm or an leg or both do get fitted with a prosthetic from a clinic like Cotton Orthotic and Prosthetic later in childhood, just as many children born the same way never get the artificial limbs they need for making the most of their abilities and of their lives. The good news is thanks to modern 3-D printing technology, every child has a better chance of getting the artificial limbs necessary for living a better life.…

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4 Popular Senior Care Options

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As a person ages, he or she may get to the point where it is no longer possible to care for one’s self properly. It can be hard to watch a family member or loved one lose his or her self-sufficiency, but you can help by assisting in finding the ideal senior care option. There are many senior care options available, including: Adult Day Centers Adult day centers provide a safe and comfortable place for senior citizens to relax and socialize.…

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