Dealing With Diabetes: What You Should Know

Belly Pain? How And Why To Get A Second Opinion

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If you have been suffering from abdominal pain, it can be really exciting to finally receive some sort of diagnosis from your doctor. Whether that diagnosis is Crohn’s disease, IBS, or something else entirely, it’s easy to just run with it because you finally have an answer. But before you jump ahead too far, it’s a good idea to get a second opinion. Here’s why — along with some tips for getting that second opinion.…

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What to Expect from a Hearing Test as an Adult

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Most children are given hearing tests periodically as a part of their regular physicals. However, once you grow up, hearing tests are administered less often, and usually only if you or your doctor have reason to believe you might be suffering from some hearing loss. As such, you may not know what to expect if you have been scheduled for a hearing test as an adult. Take a look at the article that follows to get a better idea.…

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3 Things To Consider When Choosing A Dentist For Your Child

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As a parent, you are focused on providing a healthy life for your child. Taking care of their dental health is one of the most important things you can do. Here are three things to consider when choosing a dentist for your child. Insurance If you have dental insurance, then you will find it more affordable to visit the dentist and have various treatments to protect your oral health. Dental offices will accept a range of dental insurance plans.…

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