Dealing With Diabetes: What You Should Know

Could Weight Loss Offer Back Pain Relief?

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Back pain is not something anybody should be forced to live with. For many people, living with back pain is nearly unbearable, and it can be demoralizing to go to bed each night and wake up each morning with back pain. Many patients see that weight loss improves their back pain, allowing them to live a more fulfilling life. Here’s how weight loss programs may ease back pain. Healthy Foods Can Provide Back Pain Relief…

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Knee Arthritis? Consider PRP Injections

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For years, if you developed arthritis in your knees, your treatment options were primarily anti-inflammatory medications and pain relief creams. Thankfully, arthritis treatments have come a long way in recent years. One treatment that patients are using more and more is PRP injections. Keep reading to learn more about these injections and how they treat osteoarthritis of the knees. What are PRP injections? PRP stands for “protein-rich plasma.” These injections are formulated from your own blood.…

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Your Doula Experience: Why Getting Who You Want Is Essential

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A doula is a professional who assists with difficult or emotional tasks and often is the person most relied on for very vulnerable and intimate dealings. A birth doula and a death doula are common doula professionals that come up when considering these services. You should get who you want when you choose a doula. If you want a black doula, then you should be able to find a doula that you feel comfortable with.…

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