If your job involves spending hours a day working on a computer, you may end up developing medical problems from your job. While there are several common problems this activity can cause, developing tendonitis is among the most common. This condition is painful and is often treated with medication, but visiting your chiropractor for relief might be a better solution.
What is tendonitis?
Tendonitis can occur in many areas of the body, but when you develop this from working on a computer, it often develops in your arm.…
New Year’s resolutions can be difficult to stick to, especially for busy moms who have to juggle child care, housework, and work obligations. If you’re one of those busy moms that is always pressed for time, here are a few tips that will help you stick to your resolution and keep the weight off the whole year:
Use the buddy system
Sticking to a resolution can be difficult, especially when you can quietly stop following your new exercise or diet routine without anyone noticing.…
You visit your eye specialist regularly, but are you doing everything you can to take care of your eyes? The following are 3 simple and natural suggestions that could help promote the health of your eyes. Be sure to talk to your optometrist about any eye-related changes, as he or she should be aware of any changes.
1. Eat With Your Eyes in Mind
Your eyes need proper nutrition and great blood flow.…