When you have been in a car crash, there is a chance your injuries can include whiplash, which is actually a cervical strain or hyper-extension injury. Whiplash injury symptoms can begin to show up right after the crash and up to 48 hours after. The more quickly your symptoms begin to show, the more serious your injury can be. It is important to seek immediate medical treatment if you experience dizziness, nausea, extreme pain, and stiffness in your neck, shoulders, and down your arms.…
Degenerative changes in your spinal bones can cause back pain and make it difficult for you to perform daily life activities. An effective treatment for this condition involves fusing adjacent spinal bones to restrict their movement and mitigate the pain.
Since spine fusion involves grafting the diseased section of the spine with new bones, many candidates for the treatment think that their actual bones (from a different part of the body) will be harvested during the procedure.…
Are you the parent of a young child? Is your child afraid of going to the doctor, causing you to dread having to update his or her vaccinations? Needles can be scary even for adults, so it’s understandable that your child might object to them. However, you already know that getting vaccinated is the best way to prevent certain childhood diseases. To make the whole process easier on everyone involved, here are some tips to help make your child’s next pediatrician visit less scary:…