Dealing With Diabetes: What You Should Know

3 Tooth Replacement Options And Their Benefits

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If you are considering the replacement of one or more missing teeth, there are multiple dental applications available. However, beyond the aesthetic appeal of tooth replacement, each dental option offers its own benefits. Here are three popular tooth replacement options and the benefits associated with them: Dental Implants Dental implants are implanted surgically into the jawbone, where they undergo a healing process called osseointegration. During osseointegration, the titanium implant screw fuses with the jawbone for stabilization.…

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Tips For Implementing Your Own Medication Management Plan

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If you are taking more than one medication every day and are doing so in the management of more than one medical condition, you need to make time to learn more about how to best manage your medications. Getting the most benefit from your medicine can help you have greater control over your health and the conditions affecting it. Check out these tips for helping you manage your medications. Following Your Physician’s Instructions…

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It's Time for Braces: 3 Things You'll Want to Know

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If you’re about to get fitted for orthodontic braces, you might have a few questions. Your parents have probably discussed all the important dental issues with your dentist. However, you may have some questions of your own. That’s perfectly normal. Here are answers to some questions that you’re probably wondering about. Are the Braces Going to Hurt? Many people worry that their braces are going to hurt. In most cases, there won’t be any pain associated with your braces.…

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