Dealing With Diabetes: What You Should Know

3 Minor Surgeries That Many Primary-Care Physicians Can Perform

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When you think of reasons for going into see your primary-care physician, you may think of things like a cold, a fever, an upset stomach, and so forth. While these things are very common and good reasons for going in to see your primary-care physician, there are also several other reasons to go in to visit a primary-care doctor, such as one at Rural Health Services Consortium Inc. One reason may be to receive a minor surgery.…

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3 Ways To Treat Your Pelvic Prolapse

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Pelvic organ prolapse is usually associated with physical trauma from having a child. The condition occurs as the pelvic organs, such as the bladder or the uterus, drop from their usual placement. The repositioning of the organs causes discomfort as well as problems with waste elimination. If you suffer from pelvic prolapse, you may notice that your insides feel as though they are being pulled downward. Additionally, the weight of the displaced organs may incite a sense of heaviness within the pelvic girdle.…

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Managing Your OR Inventory More Effectively

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Profit margins within the healthcare industry can be slim, so finding ways to reduce overhead costs can be a beneficial way to boost profits. The supplies used within an operating room (OR) can be difficult to track. Here are three tips you can use to help you more effectively manage your OR inventory to reduce superfluous spending in the future. 1. Start with an accurate physical count. Before you can implement an effective inventory-management program, you must know exactly how many OR items you have on hand.…

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