Dealing With Diabetes: What You Should Know

How A Foot Specialist Can Help You Deal With Heel Pain

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A lot of people have to deal with heel pain. It can be burdensome and seriously hinder your ability to move. If the pain is disabling, it may be necessary to work with a foot specialist. They can help you in the following ways.  Administer Injections If your heel pain is really bad, you probably want to find fast-acting relief right away. You can get it when you see a foot specialist.…

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Too Much Or Not Enough Sex? How To Know What's Right And Healthy For You

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Humans are not born sexual creatures. It is only with the onset of puberty that things change, and a drive to procreate begins. However, some people may have too much sex, which is identified as an addiction. Some people may have too little sex or none at all. You should be able to recognize if you have a healthy approach to sex, and if you realize that you are not approaching it in a healthy way, sexual health therapy can help in all of the following ways.…

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LASIK Or PRK? Evaluating Your Vision-Correction Solutions

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If you’re ready to throw in the towel on glasses and contacts and pursue laser vision correction, you may be wondering about your options. Most ophthalmologists rely on one of two procedures to correct patients’ vision: LASIK or PRK. While these two procedures achieve the same outcome, the process (and recovery time) for each is quite different. Learn more about the similarities and differences between these two procedures and what you should consider when deciding which one is best for you.…

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